Merry Christmas everyone.
Hope & Love abound!
~ Keith
welcome to the weird little world
inside my head, heart, and day-to-day life
I've never prematurely opened a package again, and I have no idea what happened to that knife. On Christmas morning I acted surprised and I don't think anyone knew I had snooped. But I knew.snooping sucks
Hunger is polite. It whispers to you. Fullness whispers also. Learn to listen to your own body and you will begin to hear your own cues. This is difficult to do if you are drowning out those whispers with the yells of emotionally-, socially-, or clock-driven eating.She is not the only author to write about this idea. In looking around the web this morning I found this easy-to-understand summation of the concept of "the hunger and fullness method"
On a scale from 0 to 10, if 0 is no pain at all, and 10 is so much pain that if you had to endure it for more than 30 seconds you would simply pass out, how much pain are you in right now?Pain is hard to quantify, though. For kids or non-English speakers, there is something a bit easier, called the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). It looks something like this:
Papa Bear's porridge was too hot.
Mama Bear's porridge was too cold.
Baby Bear's porridge was just right!
Papa Bear's bed was too hard.
Mama Bear's bed was too soft.
Baby Bear's bed was just right!
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 is feeling so full you would actually puke if you ate one more bite, and 0 is feeling so hungry you would pass out if you didn't eat something right away, and 5 is that euphoric satiated "Baby Bear" feeling of being "just right", how hungry or satiated or full do you feel right now?Then, if I am at a 3 or less, I know my body needs to eat something, but if I am at a 4 I can wait. And if I am at above a 6, then putting food in my body would be like giving someone without any pain a bunch of narcotics!
We have all read in scientific books, and indeed, in all romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name. This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything; only he cannot remember who he is. Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who he is . . . We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten what we really are. (Orthodoxy)(The Sacred Romance , 93–95)
We read some things in the Bible three hundred and sixty-five times and they mean nothing to us, then all of a sudden we see what God means, because in some particular we have obeyed God, and instantly His nature is opened up. "All the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen." The "yea" must be born of obedience; when by the obedience of our lives we say "Amen" to a promise, then that promise is ours.That rings true for me, but just before that he said something else; something more succinct that really caught my attention:
I'm not sure I completely understand just why that struck me, but it did.The promises of God are of no value to us until
by obedience we understand the nature of God.
Scrybe...The bedspread whose UI where it moves softly is charming...With come to make, first is hollow and the bedspread which it does;
Beta it will dance at October month.
Translated from Korean at www.allblog.net :)
Keith William Seckel(but he was known as Can Opener Boy)
It seems that some people can make other people into more of themselves, this is a rare quality indeed. When I am around COB I feel more myself than I was before. And that is good.That's someone I would like to be more and more. As I was pondering this, it also struck me: this word-picture of a decanter applies to the "waiting" season of life I'm in right now. Any good soup (or good beer!) must go through the process called "conditioning" where it sits in a pot (or a carboy!) and, well, that's it.
Congratulations! You are now legally licensed to drivewhodathunk?
both autos and motorcycles in the state of California!
Then in the 80s & 90s, those same mainline denominations came to accept Vineyard and now say:"You want to do that and still call that church?
You are not part of us -- what are you anyway?"
The picture I have in my head of what some will do in the 00s and 10s is fit into a new category where Vineyard looks at them and says:"You still are not really part of us...
...but we accept you as
an expression of The Bride of Christ"
-- but also asks/says:"You are us, and we accept you
as an expression of The Bride"
~ Keith"You want to do that and still call that church?
And still call that Vineyard?
Cool! That's OK with us!"
First, in contrast to the deceiver, Jesus walked in absolute integrity in his relationships with others. He always spoke truth and never deceived or manipulated. He said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 16:6). Drawing a contrast between himself and Satan, the "father of lies" (John 8:44). He never told people what they wanted to hear, he told them what they needed to hear -- how to turn and be freed from their bondage and oppression. Yet his truthfulness was always clothed in unconditional love and acceptance; it was an invitation to life and hope, not simply harsh condemnation.And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
(John 8:32)
They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to get get in the water and cool off. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the other one came to the rescue. After recovering from the near drowning, the one who had been saved wrote on a stone:Today my friend slapped me in the face.
The friend, who had slapped and saved, asked, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand. Now, after I saved you, you write on a stone. Why?"Today my friend saved my life.
If I am at home alone, or with my wife, and want to sit around in my underwear, I can do that with impunity.
If company is coming over, it is best (for all concerned!) if I get some clothes on.
If the company is close friends who're staying overnight then maybe as the evening wears on I'll go put on my pajamas and slippers and hang out like that.
But I wouldn't do that with just anybody, and if I always sat around in my underwear no matter who came over, that would be wrong on many levels.
Doesn't exactly conjure up a picture of a closed fist being pried openCAST
with fervor and finesse as hard and as fast as he can away from himself.CASTING
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