On Thursday 21st June I accepted a job offer from Willamette Valley Hospice in Salem, Oregon. 27th August 2007 will be my first day of work there as an RN Case Manager.
My last day of work as a Nurse Coordinator for Stanford will be 1st August, and we'll drive up to Salem from Redwood City on Friday 3rd August. Our last day at our sending church will be 29th July.
It's all happening so quickly, these things I've chosen to not share publicly until now.
In an earlier post, I likened our process to a crockpot. The light has now come on! It is time to dish things up and start eating!
In another word picture which feels more applicable at the moment, it feels like we've been sitting in the airport since 2004 because our flight was delayed. Then we were able to board the plane last summer, but there were more delays.
Now the jet is roaring down the runway and our heads are blissfully, if terrifyingly, pressed against the back of the seat.
What a rush!
~ Keith