OK -- so in May of this year, I was having a normal conversation with a normal person (my friend Marie) about normal things. With no warning, things took a turn for the hilarious, and ever since, my friend and I have been on a journey together -- a quest of sorts.
Throughout our day as we eMail or txt or talk to one another, we pick up on little phrases that would make great t-shirts. Sometimes we see something all on our own, and eMail each other these t-shirt ideas. It's something of an obsession (shhhh -- we don't have a problem though).
Keep in mind we've not actually seen any of these phrases printed on t-shirts. They're just phrases we think would be funny if printed on a t-shirt! Here are some of the best ones we've come up with so far.
(note: You may not think these are funny at all. Then again, you may think these are funny enough to have whatever you are eating or drinking come out your nose. ye be forewarned.)
Here is the one that started it all:
Just rinse it off and make a cobbler
Here are a bunch more:
If my job was to make you happy, they'd have to pay me a lot more!
Joyriding vampires taunt me with hooch
There's no steam, so I don't think the pee is warm
I had to borrow the pooper
I'm too funny to hate
Giant Fiery Marshmallows!
You're just here to confuse me
No matter whether you urinate on yourself or simply do nothing
You'd best not glisten in my bubble!
Maybe you could shave your feet too
The awkward silence rages on while the lemon dies
It's not easy being cheezy
I usually don't get excited about meat
Hopefully I will be normal by tomorrow
Filled with congealed diarrhea
Great minds think alike. I think.
My hands feel crunchy today
Hoodoo: it's what's for lunch
Think you're done pooing? Think again!
I'm definitely not into sniffing
I try not to think of where my doggies' lips have been when I give them kisses
Hard to believe that two weeks from today I'll be eating deliciously juicy ham!
Now that sounds tasty!
My butt has multiple names
Front: Coleslaw gives me gas
Back: I had some for lunch today!
Might as well enjoy it before the white splotches get cow-like
I'm hairy
A nice flip is important to me
Sweet! Free pens!
There's a lot of stuff in hot dogs!
I wash because I phobe
I love the screaming sounds!
Front: Peanuts work too
Back: But the salt dries things out up there!
Had enough? I'm sure we'll come up with more!
~ Keith
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