It is also my work cell phone, and our company has an unlimited data plan, so my Blackberry also carries my gMail, Google Maps, Google News, and Google Search apps, plus access to WeatherUnderground and 2 push-messages a day from AccuWeather. Yes, I'm a geek, but it is also handy to know what weather to expect as I am driving around in it all -- especially as the rains have now hit hard, and winter is still over two months away.
It is really nice to be out and about in a new area, and have the world at my fingertips. As such, I now use it even when I am off duty. I have become "that guy" with the holster on his belt. No, I have not stooped to wearing black socks with white tennis shoes or wearing a belt with shorts -- and I've never worn socks with sandals.
But I am now gloriously, hideously, happily addicted to having it with me at all times.
It is, indeed, my Crackberry.
~ Keith
LOL, I've become the same way with my iPhone (with unlimited data and text messaging). Blessings!
chiming in with serious addiction to the iPhone...
Rich and I were having coffee out today and talking about going away for the weekend. We both pulled out our iPhones and did a tag team search for hotels and B+Bs in two different cities while we drank our coffee, sharing info and pictures as we found them.
Some geeks are born, others are made...
Joining the blackberry ranks eh Keith? Yeah, people have told me I cannot live without it. One day we had a server failure, and I couldn't get my email, or send anything... It was crazy! you would have thought that they blew up a coffee factory ("When is it coming back up?! Why can't I get a message?!!") :-)
Anyway, Good to hear what's going on with you. I'll check in later
btw, tell Cathy I had a dream about her... I can't remember it, but if I do, I'll let y'all know
Suffering with iPhone envy... oh what a cross to bear...
I got a Cingular 8525 PDA in May. Now there is my life before my PDA and my life after. LOL. I got the 8525 because I could put my DVD cataloging software on it. What geeky joy. Congrats on your Crackberry!
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